Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i need to change my blog skin! it looks really dead.

Why do i want to keep a blog if i find it so ma fan to keep?
I guess a blog to me helps me to keep track of some events and thoughts that I have at the particular moment in life? I think it's nice to read back the blogs and trace how much you ahve grown , by God's grace. :) i can't think of another alternative to do it, cuz i can't write it down in a dairy, but if i don't take effort to point it down somewhere, i will forget abt it. Moreover, when some thoughts lingers,it's good to type it out. It helps me to give further thoughts about it. I need an outlet to voice out.

i admire those people who have good language proficiency because they can express themselves well.
recently, i have reading so much on eduactional pschology,have been trying to identify myself with some of the theories. trying to match some of my experiences with what have been explained in the theories. I have not come to a conclusion to some of question on my mind, or perhaps i think till im lost. haha.

anyway, another entry of joiting down my thoughts,
it's fustrating to know that i have so many many weaknessess, but God still accepts me and wants to use me.
because of Jesus, what is actually dead came alive!

His love, His grace and His power.
some staements sounds really simple as I have listened and read about it over so many times the apst 20years , yet it's really hard to act it out.

one of my churchmate made this video for our youth group and also to sort of publicise our youth group to the public.
when i look at the youths we have, there have so much potential to do so much more for God. i think there's more intiatives to be done on my side.

I thought i have overcomed that painful experience. but there's actually a spill-over, which i need to continue to ask God to help me work through it.

teach me Lord, to learn how to love and dare to love the people around me.
teach me Lord, to built my security in you alone.

check this out:

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