Sunday, February 03, 2008

I thank God because there are lots of people around me who loves Him lots too. =)

sherlyn said that gloria has influence me in a sense to smile more and have a happy face, haha..well, it's true to a certain extent that gloria has make me smile more often( cause she is so lame and causing me to be cranky! hahaha..=D) but i know the more important reason is cause of God' love and grace that He had choose to let me see many new things in His perspective... =)

while listening and sharing,this thing is always concluded in my mind that is :
all man has sinned and fall short of God's glory.
broken communications.
broken relationships.
broken hearts.

drawing back to the idea that only God can ...


my prayer for today is to ask God to help me come to a full understanding to what i have heard,what i have read and what i have seen.

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