Monday, December 03, 2007

It is PROM NIGHT today!

im not very excited actually because not all of my friends are going.
haha, but after doing so many thing for this day, i can now feel the excitment! teeheee....

list of things that i have done and i have to do

1) bought my little black dress at Robinson
2) trim eyebrown at Brauhouse
3) found and bought matching accessoriess at Chomel
4) found matching clutch and heels
5) done with mannicure and peddicure at Goodearth

6) having hairdo at Zoom today
7) learning to do make up myself with the girls today!

ahahaha..sound exciting ya? ahaha..yup im happy! but the manni that i did yesterday is not perfect anymore! i got some chip sad lah.

ooo..another happy things is yesterday i went to watch an Wang Li Hong 's outdoor concert! haha, we got free tickets from her aunt's friend's daughter (what along connection right). And he was really humourous and cute, there is no wonder why my friend likes him so much. I tried to use my hp to take pix of him , unfortunately!, despite that im rather close to him , what i captured was just a figure of "white ghost" because of the strong lightings. well but nevertheless i still enjoyed myselfi. oh i think wang li hong got see me face to face leh! ahahahaha...silly me..

and i had a good sleep yesterday night (finally) i was having a few sleepless night due to STRESS! yesterday i was suppose to lead my very first lesson during youth group and because of this lesson i have prepared really hard and worry lots that is why i cant sleep and eat well. Haha , although i told myself not to worry too much cux God is there for me , but i still worried. Oh well, got some feedback and they it was rather okay, but i don't really feel it's ok. Hm, but truly, i wana thank God that i wasn't too nervous that i can't utter and also thank God that some people have gained some things through this lesson =)
oh perhaps the aprt that i can't eat well have done me good,perhaps i will look slimmer today..haha, silly me again. please DO NOT try to starve yourself so that you can look slimmer. =P

oh! it is12pm now! im gona meet my dear dear xin ying in 1hr and 40mins gona pack my room a bit, pack some cosmetics stuff, prepare my bag, have a good thourgh bath!
i think im gona be late...ohno....=P